A Professional Page Template for a Personal Resume

Professionalism is important when presenting yourself to the world. Your online resume is the first thing that will showcase your abilities and skills. Therefore, making it look professional and contain all the necessary things is important. Here is a complete page template that gives you a perfect layout to flaunt everything that you want people to know.

Beginning with a header, this template lets introduce yourself with your name, your area of expertise and a few lines about yourself. You can also add a few social network icons that will take them to your social media profiles to know more.

Now comes the time when you need to focus on listing your skills, qualities and all that you are good at. The following section is a blend of info boxes and progress bars used creatively to exhibit everything about you.

Having an interactive piece of content makes a webpage even more attractive. You can use the next section to show off a presentation or a video that showcases your skills.

In the next section, we are focusing on a more professional outlook of the resume, ensuring clarity and detail in presenting your educational qualifications, professional experience, and achievements relevant to the ATS recruitment system.

This is then followed by a testimonial section. You can gather a few lines from a past employer, a colleague or a client you’ve served. This acts as a recommendation to prove you are good.

Finally, give them a way to get in touch. You can display your contact information along with a contact form, people can decide how they want to get in touch with you.

Want to see this template live? Here is the template demo. You can fetch this template through the template cloud.

This template is a part of the UABB Birthday specials we are giving away. We plan to give out many such goodies every week for four weeks.

Our way of saying thank you for standing by us and all the love and support you’ve showered on UABB!

We’ll come back next week with another bunch goodies!

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