How to use the Template Cloud?

Available from Version 1.3.0

The Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder is built to help you improve the entire experience of website building for you. While we focus on site performance and speed, we also make sure it does not add extra load on your websites. This is why we created Template Cloud.

Template Cloud is a virtual space where all the row and page templates will be available. You simply need to download the ones you’ll need in order to build a website. This makes sure that your site loads only the templates that you are about to use.

You’ll find the Template Cloud under:

Settings -> UABB -> Template Cloud

Let us take a look at how you can install the

1. Click on the “Let’s Get Started” button.

2. When clicked, it fetches all the latest templates that are available on our cloud server.

Page Templates

Page templates are the individual page templates that we have designed for you. You can install the ones you like and wish to use on your website.

When you hover on a template, you will see two options: Preview or Install

On the page Builder, under templates, this is how your installed templates will be marked within the Template Cloud.

After installing the templates from the template cloud, you’ll see all the installed templates under the Templates tab of the Page Builder.

Click and happy editing

Sections (Row Templates)

Sections are the row templates that are categorized for ease of use and understanding

You will have to install a particular category to see the sections available within it.

After installing the row sections from the template cloud, you’ll see all the installed row sections under the Rows tab of the Page Builder.

You can now simply drag and drop the section you like.

Start editing

Note: Make sure you have at least one template installed to view the template cloud option on the frontend. If you have installed templates and unable to see – try removing the templates, refresh the Template Cloud using the button on the top-right corner and install them again.

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