White Screen / Blank Screen / 500 Error After Installation

There are times when you come across an error as soon as you install a new plugin or theme on your website.

Following are a few possible reasons why you may see an error at such times –

WordPress Memory Limit

The memory allocated by your server for your site might get exhausted as soon as you install a new plugin. You can increase the WordPress memory limit as we’ve explained in this article.

Older Version of Beaver Builder Plugin

You have installed an older version of  the Beaver Builder plugin. Make sure you have installed the latest (1.8+) version of the Beaver Builder plugin.

Older Version of PHP

Your website hosting server is running on an older version of PHP. Versions below 5.4 are declared unsupported by PHP itself and have come to End Of Life. If your PHP version is older than 5.4, please contact your hosting provider and ask them for an upgrade. Most of the hosts will be able to get this done quickly.

Temporary Solution

To get your site working back again, you can deactivate some plugins from your site manually as explained in this article.


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