Google reCAPTCHA v2 and v3 in Contact Form and User Registration Form for Beaver Builder

reCAPTCHA is widely used and one of the most popular ways to prevent your website from spamming and abuse by preventing bots from being able to create users or while logging in.

Here for the User Registration and Contact Form module, if you choose to use reCAPTCHA to protect your website.

You will need to add reCAPTCHA keys, you first need to get the reCAPTCHA keys from the Google website. We have provided integration with the latest reCAPTCHA i.e. reCAPTCHA v3 and also for reCAPTCHA v2.

We would recommend using the reCAPTCHA v3 to make the registration form on your website spam and abuse-free. As it allows verifying a user or a bot without any user interaction.

Even the latest version is known to be easy on humans, and hard on the bots. Thereby, reducing user friction during the onboarding process.


Steps to Fetch reCAPTCHA v2 from the Google Admin Console

Firstly, let’s add a New Page and Edit With Beaver Builder

Drag and drop the User Registration Form module in the Beaver Builder editor.

Enable the reCAPTCHA option in the User Registration Form module from the Anti-Spam Protection tab > reCAPTCHA section > reCAPTCHA.

To see the reCAPTCHA on your website, you will need to get the site key and secret key. (There’s another field to change the Score Threshold if desired. If you notice bots manage to get around the reCAPTCHA, increase the score ).

Note: Make sure you choose the correct version of reCAPTCHA and enter the correct keys in the fields.

Step 1: To get the keys, visit the Google reCAPTCHA site and select reCAPTCHA v2.

Step 2: Add a Label to identify this instance. 

Step 3: Add a domain, e.g.

Step 4: Enter an admin email address or add a new one

Step 5: Accept the Terms of Service and Submit.

Step 6: On Submission, you will be redirected to the next page, from their copy both the Site Key and the Secret Key.

Step 7: Choose whether to place the reCAPTCHA badge to the right (bottom of the page), left (bottom of the page), or inline.

Step 8: Click Save

You will now see the reCAPTCHA badge. Refer to the image shown below for the inline reCAPTCHA position.


Steps to Fetch reCAPTCHA v3 from the Google Admin Console

For the reCAPTCHA v3 just make sure you select the correct type for the reCAPTCHA and enter them in the fields.

Step 1: To get the keys, visit the Google reCAPTCHA site and select reCAPTCHA v3.

Step 2: Add a Label to identify this instance. 

Step 3: Add a domain, e.g.

Step 4: Enter an admin email address or add a new one

Step 5: Accept the Terms of Service and Submit.

Step 6: On Submission, you will be redirected to the next page, from their copy both the Site Key and the Secret Key.

Step 7: Choose whether to place the reCAPTCHA badge to the right (bottom of the page), left (bottom of the page), or inline.

Step 8: Click Save

As per the Badge Position set, you will now see the reCAPTCHA badge. Refer to the image shown below for the inline reCAPTCHA position.

Example of Google reCAPTCHA v3 displayed inline

Similarly, you can see a reCAPTCHA badge on the bottom-left and bottom-right corner of the page when the respective Badge Position for reCAPTCHA is set.

And here’s the screenshot of Contact Form with reCAPTCHA –

We also have another Anti-Spam protection tool called Honeypot using this you can fight the spammers. You just need to enable the Honeypot field and your form has doubled the protection to fight the spammers.

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