How to Trigger Off-Canvas on the Click of a Menu Element?

The Off-Canvas module of the Ultimate Addons for Elementor allows you to display the off-canvas based on various actions. In this article, we’ll see how to trigger an off-canvas on the click of a WordPress Menu element. You can do this using a custom CSS class.

Here are a few steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Drag-drop Off-Canvas module and set it as per your requirements.

Step 2: Open Display Settings of the Off-Canvas module. Select the Custom Class option from the dropdown menu.

Add your custom class name in the field as shown below.

Step 3: Now go to WordPress Dashboard -> Appearance -> Menu

Step 4: Create a Custom Menu element on the click of which you wish to trigger an off-Canvas.

Step 5: Enable the CSS Classes option under the Screen Option settings

Step 6: Add the respective CSS class name ( the one you entered in step 2 ) under the selected menu element.

Also, select the location you wish to display the menu element on. Like we’ve selected Primary Menu in the screenshot below.

 Trigger the Off-Canvas Sitewide

The above process will open an off-canvas window only on the page where you have added the off-canvas module. If you wish to trigger this Off-Canvas on the entire website and make it work with all your pages/posts, use the ‘wp_footer‘ hook with a PHP function. You can paste the following code into the functions.php file of your theme/child theme.

function ultimate_off_canvas() {

    echo do_shortcode('[fl_builder_insert_layout id="your-off-canvas-section-id"]');

add_action('wp_footer', 'ultimate_off_canvas');

You would need to replace your-off-canvas-section-id in the above code. To get this ID, follow steps below –

1. Save the off-canvas module you set in step 1 above as a template.

2. Get the ID for this saved template. Refer to an article here. 
This assures that the Off-Canvas you just created, will be displayed on all the pages/posts of your website!

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