How to set Grid and Carousel layout for WooCommerce products?

The General tab in the Woo – Products Module allows you to select a layout and skin for your WooCommerce products.

Below are the available options:


Query Builder will allow you to choose products to be shown. And with the layout option, one can arrange them well.

1. Grid

  • This layout will display products in a “rows and columns” structure.
  • WooCommerce products will display in the Grid layout.
  • More options like a number of Columns and number of Products Per Page will be available under Grid Options. (?)
  • Based on the Grid Options, you can set pagination style using the Pagination tab. You can set the Pagination Type and Alignment.

2. Carousel 

  • This layout will display products in a slider.
  • More options will be available under Slider Options. (?)
  • Choose Arrows and/or Dots for navigation.
  • Select Total Product number, Products to Scroll at a time.
  • Choose slide to Autoplay and to activate an Infinite Loop.
  • Manage the Transition Speed.

Skin is predefined style options for products. Choose a Classic or Modern style for the product. Both will display Add to Cart button, Sale Flash, and Quick View option at different positions.

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