How to open a modal popup from another module?

The Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder comes with a modal popup module that can be displayed automatically, or on the click of a button, text, image, or through any other module.

In order to display a modal popup from another module, you will have to use a unique class name or ID that is shared between the Modal popup and the respective module.

Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. In the Modal popup settings, under the Display settings tab, select to display the popup on a Custom Class / ID.

2. Enter the unique class name in the text box below.

Note: Add a “.” before a class name and a “#” before an ID.

3. Make sure the same class name is entered in the Advanced Settings tab of the module you wish to use.

Note: DO NOT add a “.” before a class name and a “#” before an ID.

This method will display the modal popup on the click of the button or link in the other module.

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