
How to display exact WooCommerce product with Query Builder?

Many users would want to filter and showcase WooCommerce Products on their website. The Woo – Products Module provides an inbuilt Query Builder that allows you to either display All Products or filter them by applying Custom Query or even select each product Manually.

Below are the options available for product selection-

1. Custom Query > Products: This allows choosing exact products to display. You can manually choose products by entering product name.

  • Match these products – Select this option and start typing name for the products in the input field below. Only entered products will display.
  • Match all products except – Select this option and start typing a name for the products in the input field below. All products will display excluding the products entered here.

2. Custom Query > Other options:This option allows filtering products depending on the Category, Tag or Author. Below are the available options –

  • Product categories
  • Product Tag
  • Authors

Above all option have drop-down. Select a related option from the list and enter a name for the Category/Tag/ Author in the input field available below drop-down. A query will be formed on the basis of the option selected from the drop-down and name entered in the input field.

Note: Try different combinations with above settings to display exact products.

3. Filter 

  • Filter By
    •  Featured – Choosing this option will display WooCommerece Products from the above list that are set as featured. (?)
    • Sale – Choosing this option will display WooCommerece Products from above list that are set for sale. (?)
  • Order, Order by 
    • Choose an option from the drop-down menu to arrange products and the order you wish to display them in.
  • Offset
    • It is a number of products that should be excluded from the above Products or Custom Query list.
    • For example – If you have 15 products and set offset to 5 then products from number 6th to 15th will be displayed. That means the first 5 products will be excluded and the rest 10 products will be displayed.

4. Exclude Current Product

  • If you wish to exclude currently displaying product from all product list to avoid a duplicate appearance, use this option.
  • For Example –  If available products are X, Y, Z and they come under same category A. If products from category A set to display on all single product page. Then while viewing X product, all products including X will be displayed at the bottom of the page.  To avoid the duplicate appearance of X select to  Exclude Current Product. So that only Y and Z will be displayed on X product page. Similarly, Y will be excluded from its single product page and X, Z will display.
  • This option is useful when you design a template.
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