How to Override Global Settings for Image / Icon?

When you add a cell to the Table, you get an option to add an image/icon for the cell. When you edit the cell, under Advanced Options you can add image/icon.

Global Style 

  • Global styling for the image/icon is available under the Style tab.
  • Header Image Settings offers options to style image/icon for cells in Table Header.
  • While Body Image Settings offers options to style image/icon for cells in Table Content.
  • These are the global settings that will be applied to all image/icons in the Table Header / Table Content.

Individual Style

  • Above global styling can be overridden to highlight or change particular cell’s image/icon.
  •  Global style options like color and size can be overridden by Advanced Settings for a particular cell.
  • Edit the item, under Advanced Options > Icon / Image, you get the option to select icon or image. Here you can set the color/ size for the image/ icon.
  • These are individual cell settings that will override the global settings.
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