Table Responsive Support

We are introducing the responsive support for the Table module which will now let you display the Table as Stacked. This feature is introduced in Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder version 1.28.7 and above.

How to Enable the New Responsive Layout Option for Stacked?

Let’s see how to enable this responsive option in the Table module in Beaver Builder –

Note: Before starting make sure you have Beaver Builder and Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder plugins activated.

Let’s see where you can find this option –

Step 1 – Edit page/post with Beaver Builder and opt to add the module. Search and choose Table from the modules list.

Step 2: Make necessary data to the Table Content and Table Body.

Step 3: Go to the Features tab of the Table module. Now, under the Responsive section select Stacked. Now on the mobile responsive view, you will be able to view the Table as Stacked as shown in the initial video.

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