Filters/Actions for Hotspot Module

Filters / Actions available for Hotspot Module are listed below.

Filter: uabb_hotspot_next_label
Description: This filter will help to Modify “Next” text in the hotspot tour.

add_filter( 'uabb_hotspot_next_label', function( $next_label, $settings ) {
// Modify the string here
return $next_label;
}, 10, 2 );

Filter: uabb_hotspot_previous_label
Description: This filter will help to Modify “Previous” text in the hotspot tour.

add_filter( 'uabb_hotspot_previous_label', function( $previous_label, $settings ) {
// Modify the string here
return $previous_label;
}, 10, 2 );

Filter: uabb_hotspot_endtour_label
Description: This filter will help to Modify “End Tour” text in the hotspot tour.

add_filter( 'uabb_hotspot_endtour_label', function( $endtour_label, $settings ) {
// Modify the string here
return $endtour_label;
}, 10, 2 );
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