Woo – Categories Module

Have you ever thought of displaying various product categories on a single page? This is a great way to display all the categories you offer and let the users choose the one that they need.

The Woo – Categories module of the UABB allows you to display all your product categories on a single page.

You can take a look at our demos to see how the module displays WooCommerece product categories beautifully – Demo Page.

Let us take a look at some customizations that you can work on.

Choose categories to display from Query and set their layout from General options.

  • General – Grid/ Carousel
    – Select grid ( rows and columns structure ) or carousel ( slider ) to display all categories.
    – Select total categories count to display.
    – You can select a number of columns for the category on the desktop and on other devices.
    – The displayed category will be dependent on filter settings as described below in Query section.
    – By default, recently created categories will be displayed.
  • Query
    – Filter available with Query tab allows you to choose the exact categories to display.
    Show All will display all available categories while Only Top-Level will display parent categories.
    – To show particular category/categories, choose Match These Categories and start typing the required category name. You can enter more than one category here.
    – Similarly, to exclude a particular category/categories, choose to Exclude These Categories and start typing the required category name.
    – The number of categories displayed depends on the Categories Count under the General tab.
    – Enabling Display Category Description will display category description entered in backend under Products > Categories > {Any Category} > Edit > Description.
    – Enabling Display Empty Categories will display categories which are not assigned to any products.
    Order by allows you to set categories order according to Name/Slug/ Description/ Count (Assigned Product Count).  You can also choose the Descending or Ascending order from the drop-down.

1. This module will be visible only if you have the WooCommerce plugin installed and activated on your website.

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