How to add WooCommerce Add To Cart button on the page?

Woo – Add To Cart Module allows you to add a WooCommerce Add To Cart button anywhere on the page. It allows the user to add a product to cart, on the click of the button with predefined quantity and then navigates the user to cart page.

Refer a demo for Woo – Add To Cart Module here. The information boxes displayed with the button on demo page are designed separately with other modules.

Below are the available options for Woo – Add To Cart Module –

  • Product
    – Start typing name of the product that you wish to add to the cart when the user clicks the button. Also, choose the Quantity.
    – When a user clicks the button, the selected product will be directly added to the cart.
    – You can choose if you want to Auto Redirect to Cart Page on the click of the button.
  • Button (?)
    – Various options to customize the button are available here.
    – More options are available under the Style tab.

1. This widget will be visible only if WooCommerce plugin is installed and activated.
2. If the widget is not visible in the UABB modules list, then check if it is enabled from UABB settings. (?)

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