
How To Add Rows And Columns to the Table?

How to add a row to the Table?

  1. ADD ITEM under Table Header/Table Body tab. It will add a Cell box.
  2. Edit newly added Cell. Choose Action -> New Row. Save it.
  3. This new cell will appear as the first column to new row.

How to add columns to the Table?

  1. ADD ITEM under Table Header/Table Body tab. It will add a Cell box.
  2. Edit newly added Cell. Choose Action -> New Cell. It will add a new column to the above row.
  3. Add a text to the column, save it and you can see it appearing in the table.
  4. Add as many columns you want with ADD ITEM button. The number of the newly added cell will be equal to the number of columns.
  5. ADD ITEM button will add cells horizontally.
  6. After adding columns if you wish to add a new row follow steps given above for How to add a row to the Table?


  1. If you wish to add content on a new line – add a row. If you wish to add content next to existing cell – add a column (cell).
  2. For example – If you wish to add 3*3 table, then first add a new row then add two cells after it. Again add a new row and two cells after it. Repeat the process once again.

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