How to add Table Header?

What is Table Header?

A row that appears at the top of the table giving a title to columns beneath is Table Header. It is defined with the <th> tag.

Multiple rows and columns can be added to Table Header. See How To Add Rows And Columns to the Table?

Add Item under the Table Header tab. Edit it. Choose it as a new row or new cell. Below are the other options –

  • Content
    • Enter a heading/title for the column beneath.
    • For Example – If you want to create a table to compare A and B gadgets, then type A in one item and B in another item.
  • Advanced Options: Select Yes to explore more.
    • Styling – Color and Background Color can be applied to each column separately to create a nice look for headers. Set this for an individual cell. It will overwrite the global styling.
    • Row Span & Column Span – This allows merging two or more table cells located in the same row or column into a single cell.
      By default value for Column Span and Row Span will be 1. Add the number for column and row that needs to merge.
      For Example– If you wish to combine 2 columns to the current cell then add Column Span value 3. It will add 2 columns to the current cell.
    • Custom Column Width – Set the custom width for the column. This width will be adopted by all the columns below this header cell.
    • Icon / Image – This allows you to add icon from the provided list or image to the header field. Icon/Image can be added with or without content.
    • Link –  Add a link to cell content.
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