How to Style the Table?

Table Module allows creating beautiful table designs. You can add style to Table Header, Body, Search / Show Entries that will make the table stand out more effectively and make it easy to read.

Odd and Even rows can be highlighted with different color options. The different color can be set to rows when hovered with a mouse.

Style tab in Table Module provides multiple options for designing.

Header Settings

  • It provides options to style top row of the table.
  • Note: Color and Background Color options are available for each column cell separately under Advanced Settings.

Body Settings

  • It provides options to style content section of the table.
  • Different color options are available for Odd and Even rows under Striped Effect setting.

Header Image Settings

  • Image / Icon added from the individual cell in the header can be styled globally with this.

Body Image Settings 

  • Image / Icon added from the individual cell in the table body can be styled globally with this.

Entries Dropdown & Search Field 

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