Overlay Effect in Advanced Menu

Have you ever wanted to use the Overlay effect for Advanced Menu on your website? The Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder has introduced this feature in version 1.6.0.

You can use this feature by following the steps mentioned below.

Step 1:

Open the Advanced Menu Settings and select the menu that you had created in Dashboard > Appearance > Menu

Step 2:

Select Responsive Toggle in the Responsive Tab.
Hamburger Icon: Hamburger icon will be shown.
Hamburger Icon + Label: Hamburger icon will be shown followed by a user entered label.
Menu Button: A label entered by user will be shown
None: No Toggle button will be shown.

Step 3:

Select Responsive Layout > Overlay in the Responsive Tab.

Step 4:

Select Effects for the Overlay Menu.

Step 5:

Enter Animation Speed for the Effect selected in step 4.

Step 6:

Select appropriate Responsive Breakpoints
Display on All Devices: Show Overlay effect on all devices i.e desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
Display on Medium and Small Devices Only: Show Overlay effect only in tablet and mobile devices.
Display on Small Devices Only: Show Overlay effect only on mobile devices.
Enter Custom Breakpoint: Select Custom to enter a custom breakpoint.

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