Honeypot field in User Registration Form for Beaver Builder

In UABB’s version 1.22.0, we introduce the User Registration Form module for Beaver Builder having the Honeypot field to fight spammers.

Here we provide a Honeypot field, which is a better way than to fight pesky spammers rather than using reCAPTCHA.

Table of Contents

 What is Honeypot?

Honeypot field helps you fight spammers, by adding a hidden field only visible to spambots. This field helps the admin identify whether the user is a spambot and not a user.

When a spambot fills in the honeypot field, the form is rejected as spam. Thereby, the spambot will get stuck and won’t be able to submit the form.

Therefore, Honeypot is a great alternative as it will not bother users to go through maths and Image problems to register on your website. And the valid users will be able to register with ease and convenience.

 Advantages of using Honeypot?

  • Prevents spambots from attacking
  • Help understand future attack prevention
  • Helps focus on the malicious users making the investigation easier
  • One-click setup

 How to Setup Honeypot in User Registration Form module?

To set up the Honeypot field in the User Registration Form module you need to create a page and Edit with Elementor.

After that, you will just need to drag and drop the module in the Beaver Builder editor.

Next, in the Anit-Spam Protection tab > Honeypot enable the Honeypot option.

That’s all, now publish the page and your User Registration Form is now protected from the Spammers.

You are now ready to make your website’s registration form spam-free using the User Registration Form module. We also provide Google reCAPTCHA support to our module.

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