Advanced Icons Module

The Advanced Icons module allows adding beautiful Icons and Images that are designed to entice the users to visit the links.

Or you can display series of Images of clients you have worked for.

It can help you create some quick Icons/Images sections with just a drop of this module.

Here’s a screenshot of Advanced Icons –

Adding Advanced Icons Module

Let’s see how to use Advanced Icons Module in Beaver Builder –

Note: Before starting make sure you have Beaver Builder and Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder plugins installed and activated.

Step 1 – Edit page/post with Beaver Builder and opt to add new module. Search and drag-n-drop Advanced Icon from the UABB modules list.

Step 2 – Select a relevant Icon, or insert an Image and choose its structure to display Horizontally or Vertically.

Step 3 – Once you are done choosing a structure you can style the Icons/Images with individual style settings or global settings.

Customize the Advanced Icon with Advanced Settings

The Advanced Settings in the Advanced Icon allow you to Style the Icons/Images by managing the Icon Size, Alignment.

Also, you have the option to choose from the two Color Presets, and also manage the Icon Color/Hover Color, Background Color/Hover Color.

You can also set the Gradient colors.

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