Introducing Retina Image Module for Beaver Builder

The Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder now allows you to add Retina Image for high definition screens, removing any need for using other Retina plugins or tools.

Here in this article, we will see how we can implement the Retina Image on your website using the Retina Image module.

Let’s see some important features of this Retina Image module.

Key features of the Retina Image module –

  • Upload the Retina Image for High Definition screens
  • Provides SVG support for image or Logo
Retina Image Example

Like all the other modules for Beaver Builder, the Retina Image module can simply be dragged and dropped in the row or column you want it to appear.

You can then proceed with the various settings that allow you to add the Default Image, Retina Image and display custom caption. Let us take a look at each settings tab of the Advanced Heading module.

Below are the settings available for the Retina Image module –

 Retina Image

Under the General tab, you will see a few options –

Default Image and Retina Image: Under the Default and Retina Image section you will be able to add your default Image as well as the Retina Image.

Locate Default and Retina Image options in Retina Image module

Below the Retina Image section, you will see other sections like Size and Alignment, Caption and Link under which you will be able to set the Image Size, Alignment, Caption, and Link.


Under the Style tab, you will see two options –

The Image Style section will allow you to set the Background Size, Color, Border Radius, Image Effect.

Locate Image styling and other options in Retina Image module

While the Caption section only displays when you have set the Custom Caption in the General tab.

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