Open a Specific Filterable Tab from URL for Advanced Post

When you enable the Filterable Tab for Advanced Posts module, it shows all available post categories as filterable tabs. You can display the default or custom category on the page load as an active tab. Refer How to Enable Taxonomy Filters in Advanced Posts?

Apart from the above option, you can specify the category in the URL, that will display as an active tab on page load. You can use this URL to open a specific tab from a remote module.

Add category id as “/#category-id” after the page URL.

Below is the example that shows how this works –

Step 1 – Let’s say you have a Post category ‘Blog3‘ having id 85.
Step 2 – To open this category as a default one, add  “/#85” after the URL.

Open a Specific Filterable Tab from URL for Advanced Post
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