How to Configure Progress Bar Module

Are you excited to make your pages more interesting? The Progress Bar module can help you show progress, skills, or any important information in a cool way.

Imagine easily adding these moving bars to your pages to:

  • Show How Much of a Project is Done: Keep everyone updated and excited about what’s coming next.
  • Display How Good You Are at Something: Make it easy for people to see your skills.
  • Celebrate Finishing a Goal: Feel proud of what you’ve achieved and keep going.

You can do so much more with it!

This guide will help you understand how to use the Progress Bar module to make your pages look great. Let’s get started and learn how to turn content into interesting visual stories.

How to Configure the Progress Bar Module

Before you start using this module, it’s important to have the UABB and Beaver Builder plugins installed and activated on your website. Once that’s set up, follow these steps to add the Progress Bar module to your desired page or post:

  • Go to the page or post where you want to include this module.
  • Click on “Launch Beaver Builder” to access the frontend editor.
  • Beaver Builder allows you to add modules directly from the frontend. Look for the Progress Bar module in the available options.
  • Drag and drop the Progress Bar module to your desired location on the page.
  • Once you’ve added the module, you’ll notice different tabs like General, Style, Typography, and Advanced.

Let’s break down what each of these tabs does:

UABB Progress Bar Module General Tab

This tab typically contains settings related to the basic functionality of the Progress Bar module.

Bar Appearance: This option allows you to select the style from predefined 4 styles which are: –

  • Horizontal
  • Vertical
  • Circular
  • Semi – Circular

Progress Bar Item: – You can edit the item for further things like content and its style specific item style.

Once you click on edit progress bar item, you can access the Progress Settings: –

  • Progress Value: – Set the value as per your need
  • Text Before Number: – Add any text that you wish to add before the number.
  • Text After Number: – Add any text that you wish to add after the number.

UABB Progress Bar Module Style Tab

Here, you can customize the visual appearance of the Progress Bar. This includes options for colors, shapes, and other style-related settings to make it match your website’s design.

When you click Edit Progress Bar Item, you can see:

  • Progress Color: You can style the progress bar with color.
  • Progress Background: – You can set the background color for your progress bar.

Once done you can then style the overall styling with Style Tab.

Within the style tab, you would see progress bar alignment, spacing, etc.

  • Spacing: Add spacing between two progress bars.
  • Stripped Selector: Enable “Yes” or “No” to set the striped style. ( It will work when you add color to the progress bar )

Horizontal Style: – It depends on the Progress Bar style that you select from the General Setting tab

  • Style
  • Thickness
  • Space below title

Border – Set border, border radius, and shadow to the progress bar.

Animation: – The animation feature lets you animate the progress bar when your site visitor scrolls down the page.

  • Animation Speed – You can set the speed in terms of seconds to complete the animation.
  • Animation Delay – Delay the animation in terms of seconds.

UABB Progress Bar Module Typography Tab

The Typography tab focuses on the text elements within the Progress Bar. You can modify the font, size, and other text-related features to enhance the module’s overall look.

UABB Progress Bar Module Advanced Tab

Now, if you’re someone who likes to get a bit more hands-on with customization, the Advanced tab is where the magic happens.

Here, you can tweak and fine-tune things. It’s like your control center for taking the Progress Bar module to the next level, allowing you to play around with more advanced styling and functionality options.

So, if you’re feeling creative or want to add that extra touch of personalization, the Advanced tab is the place to be.

By navigating through these tabs, you can tailor the Progress Bar module to suit your specific preferences and seamlessly integrate it into your website.

We hope this document has been helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

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