Bulk Editing for Video Category Names

Video Gallery module comes with a feature to add Category for every video in the gallery.

These categories help to set filters for the Gallery. You can read more about it here.

But sometimes you may want to change the category name. In that scenario, you might need to edit each video and edit the name, which is quite a tedious task to do.

Do not worry, we have a rescue filter available for this. This filter will help you bulk edit a particular category name. It is used as shown below.

add_filter( 'uabb_video_gallery_filters', 'function_name', 1, 1 ); 
function function_name( $filters ) {
$filters['vimeo'] = 'My edited Vimeo title';
return $filters;

Above filter will change the category name Vimeo to My Edited Vimeo Title.

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