How to Open a Specific Element of Advanced Accordion from a Specific Page?

It is possible to link individual elements of “Advanced Accordion” on a particular page from specific pages.

First, you would need to add an ID to the “Advanced Accordion” module. Here is a screenshot that will help you add an ID in the Advanced tab of the module.

The elements of the Module are numbered from 0. If you want to open the 3rd element you will have to use elements’ index which is “2” after the URL.

Add “/#accord-2” after the page URL you are redirecting the user to

Eg: You have a redirect button on Page 1 and wish to redirect users to the third element in an Advanced Accordion module on Page 2.

The URL you need to enter for the button should be something like :


Refer the below gif, which shows that the third element is opened as we clicked on the button which that redirects us to the page having the Accordion.

Similarly, you can append the index of the last element which is to be opened from different pages.

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