Modules not working suddenly / content missing from the page / content not aligned properly

It often happens that the Modules’ content is not displayed as expected. For example in the Google Map module, the content goes missing, or in case of Testimonials module, the slider won’t work, or in Info List the Icons are missing / are not aligned properly.

At such times, you can try and clear the Page Builder’s Cache which is found in Dashboard -> Settings -> Page Builder -> Tools -> Cache -> Clear Cache.

In most of the cases, this resolves the issue. But, it is also recommended to clear your browser’s cache.

You can try checking if the same issue occurs in the Browser’s Incognito mode or on different devices.

If this issue cannot be found on other devices, just to be sure you can try and follow the step mentioned here DIY Troubleshooting. This step is necessary as it will rule out any chances wherein you have installed any new plugin and it is interfering with the CSS or Javascript of our module.

If the issue still persists, even after following the above mentioned steps, or if you have any further questions, you can Get in touch. We will be happy to help!

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